Call for Sessions
2022 Combined Sections Meeting (CSM)
Steps and Instructions:
1. Section
Choose the section that is most closely related to your submission content.
2. Sub-Section
The following sections will require a Sub-Section selection: Acute Care, Geriatrics, Neurology, Oncology, Orthopaedics, and Private Practice.
3. Title & Session Info
- Enter a session title - titles are limited to a maximum of 15 words.
- Choose a presentation type - education session or preconference course.
- Indicate a content level - Fundamental, Intermediate, or Advanced.
- Describe the overall purpose of the session using a maximum of 250 words.
- Affirm originality of work or copyright permissions for all graphs, charts, and photographs.
- Indicate the total number of content minutes that are related to differential diagnosis (evaluative procedures).
- Select which interactive teaching methods will be used to facilitate participant learning.
- Indicate which measures or methods will be used to assess attendee learning.
- Choose the appropriate audience for the session.
4. Session Outline
Provide a detailed outline for the proposed session. Include the topics and activities that will be covered, beginning and ending times for each component, and indicate times for lunch and/or breaks where applicable.
5. Learning Objectives
Enter between 1 and 4 Learning Objectives for the proposed session. Refer to
Bloom's Taxonomy when composing your Learning Objectives. Learning Objectives should finish the statement, "Upon completion of this session, attendees will be able to..." and should use measurable verbs such as "Explain," "Describe," "Design," "Apply," etc. Each Learning Objective needs to be addressed by the speaker during the course of the presentation.
6. References
Provide a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 7 current bibliographic references which are no more than 7 years old (2018 and later). Limit to those materials that demonstrate integrated evidence.
7. Speakers
Enter details of the primary (corresponding) speaker and any co-speaker(s). Speaker name, email address, organization name and organization city/state are required.
Important Membership Requirement!
If none of the speakers are a member of APTA, you must add a sponsor who is an active APTA member. Click 'Add new person', enter your information and check the Sponsor box.
If you wish to become a member now, click
APTA Membership.
8. Disclosures
Each speaker must complete a disclosure indicating whether there is any potential for material gain, bias, conflict of interest, or proprietary interest.
9. Proof & Submit
Submitters will have a chance to look over the submission to make sure all items are complete. Upon completing the proof & submit step, an automatic email message will be sent containing the unique retrieval link assigned to the submission. Submissions may be viewed or modified at any time before the deadline.
Technical Support
For help with submitting a session online, email Tech Support.
Other Questions?
For non-technical questions about submission requirements or the submission process, contact
Begin a submission to the following: