Call for Abstracts
2026 Combined Sections Meeting (CSM)
Steps and Instructions:
1. Section
Choose the section that is most closely related to your submission content. The following sections will require a Sub-Section selection: Neurology, Orthopaedics, Research, and Sports.
2. Title
Enter a title for your abstract. Titles are limited to a maximum of 15 words.
3. Authors
Enter details of the presenting author and any co-author(s). Author name, email address, organization name and organization city/state are required.
Important Membership Requirement!
If none of the authors are a member of APTA, you must add a sponsor who is an active APTA member. To add a sponsor, click 'Add new person', enter the sponsor information, and check the Sponsor box.
If you wish to become a member now, click
APTA Membership.
4. Disclosure
Presenting authors must complete a disclosure indicating whether there is any potential for material gain, bias, conflict of interest, or proprietary interest.
5. References
Provide a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 7 current bibliographic references which are no more than 7 years old (2018 and later). Limit to those materials that demonstrate integrated evidence.
6. Abstract Text
Provide your abstract text. Each abstract program requires certain content headings that must be included in the abstract text. Each heading must be following by a colon.
Research Report |
Case Studies |
Special Interest Report |
Theory Report |
Purpose/Hypothesis: Number of Subjects: Materials and Methods: Results: Conclusions: Clinical Relevance: |
Background and Purpose: Case Description: Outcomes: Discussion: |
Purpose: Description: Summary of Use: Importance to Members: |
Purpose: Description: Summary of Use: Importance to Members: |
There is a limit of 3,125 characters including spaces. This limit does not include the title, authors, institutions, or references.
7. Payment
There is a $50 fee for all abstract submissions. On the Payment step, you will be directed to a secure site where you may submit payment for your submission. Once payment is complete, you will be returned to your submission to complete the Confirmation step.
8. Confirmation
Submitters can review their submission before completing it. When you click the Conclude Submission button, an automatic email will be sent with a unique link to your submission. You can click this unique link to go back to the system and edit your submission any time before the deadline.
Technical Support
For help with submitting a session online, email Tech Support.
Other Questions?
For non-technical questions about submission requirements or the submission process, contact