Call for Educational Sessions

APTA National Student Conclave 2019

Steps and Instructions:

  1. Category

    • Educational Sessions will be 60 minutes in length.
  2. Title & Session Info

    • Enter a session title - titles are limited to a maximum of 10 words.
    • Indicate a participant level - basic, intermediate, or advanced.
    • Describe the overall purpose of the session using a maximum of 200 words.
    • Select which interactive teaching methods will be used to facilitate participant learning.
  3. Content Outline

    Provide a content outline that specifies your plans: provide details about your session, the need for this session, and what attendees can walk away with after attending. No word limit.
  4. Learning Objectives

    Enter between 3 and 5 Learning Objectives for the proposed session. Consider refering to Bloom's Taxonomy when composing your learning objectives. Learning objectives should finish the statement, "Upon completion of this session, attendees will be able to..." and should use measurable verbs such as "Explain," "Describe," "Design," "Apply,", etc. Each Learning Objective needs to be addressed by the speaker during the course of the presentation.
  5. Speakers

    Enter details of the primary (corresponding) speaker and any co-speaker(s). Speaker name, email address, organization name and organization city/state are required.
    Travel funding for NSC speakers is limited, so please provide as much, if applicable, Co-Speaker information as possible.
  6. Disclosures

    Each speaker must complete a disclosure indicating whether there is any potential for material gain, bias, conflict of interest, or proprietary interest.
  7. Payment

    There is a $25 fee for all proposal submissions. On the Payment step, you will be directed to a secure site where you may submit payment for your submission. Once payment is complete, you will be returned to your submission to complete the Confirmation step.
  8. Confirmation

    Submitters will have a chance to look over the submission to make sure all items are complete. Upon submitting the confirmation step, an automatic email message will be sent containing the unique retrieval link assigned to the submission. Submissions may be viewed or modified at any time before the deadline.
  9. Assistance

    Technical Support

    For help with submitting a session online, email Tech Support.

    Other Questions?

    For non-technical questions about submission requirements or the submission process, contact Daniel Hamilton at

New Submissions Closed on Friday, March 22, 2019